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A change that will improve your local area

IELTS Cue Card Question 13 With Model Answer:

Describe a change that will improve your local area.

You should say:
  • what it is
  • how the change would work
  • what kinds of problems the change will solve
and describe how it would improve your local area.

[You will have to talk about the topic for 1 to 2 minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Transportation is the most important mode of communication and if the roads are not well constructed, the entire transportation process gets spoiled and development process is hampered.

The main highway of our locality was built around 15 to 20 years ago and it has connected the locality with the main city which is about 20 kilometres away from the countryside we are living in. But now it is almost ruined and there are ditches across the road that has made the road bumpy. When it rains, the rain waters clog on the centre of the road and make it muddy.

If the road is repaired the transportation system will be easier. The country people will be able to sell their products at the city markets and newer development endeavours may also be created for the betterment of the local people.

Currently, the rural people of our locality are having different troubles and the businessmen, farmers and the students are the worst sufferers. The farmers who produce food crops cannot sell their goods at a better price. The businessmen cannot continue their business properly for the want of a well-constructed road. The students have to travel in different transportation mode to reach their respective educational institutions located in the nearby city. The problems will be solved only if the highway is rebuilt or repaired. 

The local area will be improved in different ways. When the road will be repaired, there will be newer transportation system relieving the labour of travelling in different vehicles to reach the town. Sometimes, the food crops get rotten before they are taken to city markets and the prices fall. If the road is made well it will take less than one hour to reach the city and thus fresh food crops, vegetables, fishes etc. will be sold at a higher price than regular which will improve the financial condition of the producers. The businessmen will be able to bring their goods and necessaries to the village shortly, and thus their business will grow in the village areas. It is another sign of development. Moreover, the students will be able to get higher studies as there will be no barrier to move for the town. Besides, people who work in towns will be able to attend their offices in time by living in their own homes located in the village. Moreover, when the communication system is better, the government will try initiating different development initiative for further enhancement of the area.

Alternative Answer 2: 
Ever since the Earth has formed and human life has begun, change has become an inevitable part of our life. Change is a law of nature which we have to accept whether we like it or not. The area where I live in thus went through countless changes and it must have taken a long time. I would say I like this part of the city and I am grateful for the blessing of a nice environment and good people in this area. One particular change that would make this place even better is the establishment of a large hospital. The building of a new and modern hospital and healthcare facility is a big change that I would like to talk about.

The nearest modern hospital is about 2 hours away and that has many negative consequences. It is indeed a terrifying and sad thing to hear that someone might die only because he was not taken to the hospital earlier! This gives me a terrible feeling and this is why my area is in dire need of a modern healthcare facility with experienced doctors. Establishing a modern and large hospital for our area where more than 7 thousand people live in will fill a gap that we had for a long.

As far as I recall a city counsellor promised a long ago to pass a bill so that a hospital with modern facilities could be built in our area. But I have not seen any progress and implementation so far. A new healthcare centre and availability of experienced doctors would definitely be a blessing for the people of this area. People would no longer have to wait for the ambulance and take their dear and ill one to a hospital which is far away. Travelling this far, for sick senior citizens and pregnant women, is quite tough and this hospital would solve a complex issue that we face in our daily life. So, what makes me so interested in this improvement is because of the suffering people have to go through to get proper treatment in times. A decision is made by the higher authority, promptness of our municipal administration and people’s voice can make this remarkable project implemented.

Idea Generation for this Cue Card topic:

The idea generation part lists down many other clues that you can pick and talk about to answer this cue card question. Add your answer in the comment section and a teacher would review and correct it for you.

Possible Changes that would improve my local area:
  • Better Communication facility.
  • An establishment of night school.
  • A public library for the people in our locality.
  • An establishment of a university.
  • An establishment of a large market.
  • A dedicated college for girls.
  • Uninterrupted electricity supply.
  • Introducing solar panels for household energy demand.
  • Employing more law enforcing members.
  • Cleaning the area.
  • Tree plantation.
  • Establishing a baby care centre.
  • Building a new hospital.
  • Sifting the bus terminal to a remote area.
  • Reducing the sound pollution.
  • Introducing a new law to control crime.
  • Establishing a vocational training centre for the youth.
  • Changing the local election system.
  • Making a gym or physical training centre.
  • Ensuring pure water supply.
  • Demolishing the local drug sellers.
  • Making traffic rule stricter.
  • Using modern tools and machines for irrigation.
  • Separating the industrial and residential area.
  • Reducing the number of cars run on the streets in our area.
[ Pick an idea from the above list and try to elaborate your answer by properly describing the questions listed on the cue card ] 

Your preparation for this topic will help you to talk about the following cue card topics:  
  • Describe something you would like to do for your community. 
  • A change you would like to see in your hometown. 
  • Describe something changing in your hometown. 
  • Describe a law you would like to see being implemented in your hometown. 
  • Describe a positive change you have witnessed in your living area. 
  • Describe an initiative that you want to take for others. 
  • Describe something good you have done for others. 
  • Describe a good leader you know about. 
  • Describe you really like about your hometown.

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