IELTS Speaking Part 1:
Question Set 1 | Question Set 2 | Question Set 3 | Question Set 4 | Question Set 5 |
Question Set 1 | Question Set 2 | Question Set 3 | Question Set 4 | Question Set 5 |
IELTS Speaking Part 3:
Question Set 1 | Question Set 2 | Question Set 3 | Question Set 4 | Question Set 5 | Question Set 6 |
Question Set 7 | Question Set 8 | Question Set 9 | Question Set 10 | Question Set 11 | Question Set 12 |
Recent Cue Card Topics: Recent Topics
IELTS Speaking FAQs: FAQs
Useful Resources: Useful Resources
Cue Card Samples:
Sample # 580: Describe an outdoor activity you did in a new place
Sample # 579: Describe a time when you helped a child
Sample # 578: Something in your country that you are interested in
Sample # 577: Describe a person who enjoys cooking for others
Sample # 576: Describe a place where you like to go shopping
Sample # 575: When you disagreed with a decision someone made
Sample # 574: Describe your favourite toy in your childhood
Sample # 573: Describe a place where you can go to learn something
Sample # 571: When you were forced to stay home for a few days
Sample # 570: A person who has given you some important advice
Sample # 568: Describe a foreign TV programme you have watched
Sample # 567: A film/movie you would like to watch with your family
Sample # 566: Describe a time when you represented a team
Sample # 565: When you went outside of your country for the first time
Sample # 564: When you met someone who you became good friends with
Sample # 562: When you enjoyed visiting a member of your family
Sample # 561: Describe a picture or photograph you have in your room
Sample # 560: Describe some food or drink that you learned to prepare
Sample # 559: Describe a time you were sleepy but had to stay awake
Sample # 558: When you celebrated some kind of success or achievement
Sample # 557: A leisure activity you have enjoyed with your family
Sample # 555: Describe a trip with your friends that you enjoyed a lot
Sample # 554: An occasion when you had to do something in a hurry
Sample # 553: Describe a monument that you like
Sample # 552: Describe a big city you would like to visit
Sample # 550: Describe a time when you received something for free
Sample # 549: Describe a skill that you can teach other people
Sample # 548: A person who has helped you in your work or studies
Sample # 547: Describe a person you follow on social media
Sample # 546: Describe a second language you have learned
Sample # 545: A person who taught you something important
Sample # 544: An expensive activity you enjoy doing occasionally
Sample # 543: When you thought the weather was so bad
Sample # 542: Equipment or tool you often use at home
Sample # 541: Describe an art exhibition that you have been to
Sample # 540: Describe a journey that did not go as planned
Sample # 539: Something you did that was a waste of time
Sample # 538: Describe your favourite dress
Sample # 537: Describe an important river or lake in your country
Sample # 536: Describe a person whose job is important to society
Sample # 535: Describe a piece of art you like
Sample # 534: Describe an interesting aquatic animal
Sample # 533: Describe your favourite social media platform
Sample # 532: Describe a character from a movie or book
Sample # 531: Describe a time when you helped a friend
Sample # 530: Describe a quiet place you would like to visit
Sample # 529: When you moved to a new school or home
Sample # 528: A town or city where you would like to live
Sample # 527: A time you saw something interesting on social media
Sample # 526: Describe an object you find particularly beautiful
Sample # 525: Describe some technology that you decided to stop using
Sample # 524: Describe a luxury item you would like to own
Sample # 523: Describe a review you read about a product or service
Sample # 522: Describe a holiday destination that you would recommend
Sample # 521: Describe an interesting neighbourhood
Sample # 520: An interesting TV programme about a science topic
Sample # 519: Describe a time when you got positive feedback
Sample # 518: Describe a tourist attraction you enjoyed visiting
Sample # 517: Describe a person who is from a different culture
Sample # 516: An invention that has changed how people live
Sample # 515: A stadium or playground you have ever been to
Sample # 514: Describe a positive change in your life
Sample # 513: Describe your favourite genre of music
Sample # 512: When you successfully completed a project
Sample # 511: Describe a workaholic person you know
Sample # 510: When you had an argument with someone
Sample # 509: Describe a time when you felt lucky
Sample # 508: Describe a place where you love to shop often
Sample # 507: A piece of art you want to buy
Sample # 506: Describe a large company you are interested in
Sample # 504: A time when you could not buy an item
Sample # 503: Book or magazine that you have read on a journey
Sample # 502: Describe a hotel where you have stayed just for a night
Sample # 501: Describe a boat journey that you have ever taken
Sample # 500: A person who encouraged you to achieve a goal
Sample # 499: Describe a place where you used to play
Sample # 498: When you did not tell a friend the whole truth
Sample # 497: When you helped someone in his/her work or study
Sample # 496: Describe a famous business person you know
Sample # 495: Describe a hotel that you know
Sample # 494: Describe a website you have bought something from
Sample # 493: Describe a work of art you like
Sample # 492: A person who is beautiful or handsome
Sample # 491: Describe a poisonous plant you know about
Sample # 490: Describe someone you know who is a good cook
Sample # 489: Describe a product you bought and felt happy
Sample # 488: Describe your favourite singer or musician
Sample # 487: Describe one of your favourite photographs
Sample # 486: Describe your favourite food or dish
Sample # 485: Describe an advertisement you like
Sample # 484: Describe a person who wears unusual clothes
Sample # 483: Describe a city you want to go back to
Sample # 482: A goal or target you have recently set
Sample # 481: A public building that has a great exterior
Sample # 480: When you made a promise to someone
Sample # 479: Describe a good law in your country
Sample # 477: A conversation which was not interesting to you
Sample # 476: Describe an online survey or quiz that you have taken
Sample # 475: Describe a stranger who taught you something important
Sample # 473: Describe a goal you have achieved
Sample # 472: Describe a journey in which you used public transport
Sample # 471: When something good happened to you
Sample # 470: Describe a person who is often in the news
Sample # 469: Describe a challenge that you have recently faced
Sample # 468: Describe a crowded place you have been to
Sample # 467: Describe an event that angered you
Sample # 466: An extracurricular activity you have had
Sample # 465: Describe the house you live in
Sample # 464: When you made a journey by aeroplane or train
Sample # 463: Describe a natural calamity
Sample # 462: A pet that you or someone else you know has
Sample # 461: Describe a teacher from your school or college
Sample # 460: Describe a time when you changed your opinion
Sample # 459: Describe a place with historical significance
Sample # 458: Describe a good human quality you admire
Sample # 457: Describe a place you would like to visit
Sample # 456: Describe an interesting animal that lives in water
Sample # 455: Describe a tall building or structure you have seen
Sample # 454: Describe a song that has a special meaning to you
Sample # 453: Describe a healthy activity you enjoy doing regularly
Sample # 452: An environmental problem you have noticed in your city
Sample # 451: Describe a frightening experience you once have had
Sample # 450: When a family member asked for your help
Sample # 449: Describe an unexpected gift you once received
Sample # 448: A wedding party you have recently attended
Sample # 447: Describe a mistake you have once made
Sample # 446: A dress or uniform you wear or used to wear
Sample # 445: Risk you have taken which had a positive result
Sample # 444: Describe your favourite book
Sample # 443: Describe a time when you talked to a stranger
Sample # 442: Describe a neighbour who is very friendly to others
Sample # 441: An occasion when you wore your best clothes
Sample # 440: Describe a change that can improve your local area
Sample # 438: Describe a game or sport you enjoy playing
Sample # 437: Describe someone in your family who you like
Sample # 436: Describe one of your friends
Sample # 435: Describe a song or a piece of music you like
Sample # 434: Describe a well-known person you like or admire
Sample # 433: Describe a useful website you have visited
Sample # 432: Describe a river, lake or sea which you like
Sample # 431: Describe an interest or hobby that you enjoy
Sample # 430: Describe an interesting historic place
Sample # 429: When you could not freely express your opinion
Sample # 428: Describe a memorable event in your life
Sample # 426: A teacher who has influenced you in your education
Sample # 425: Describe an area of science that interests you
Sample # 424: Describe a book you bought for someone as a gift
Sample # 423: Describe a concert you have enjoyed with your friends
Sample # 422: Describe an email that you sent to a wrong recipient
Sample # 422: Describe an email that you sent to a wrong recipient
Sample # 417: Describe something you enjoyed doing in a group
Sample # 415: Describe a time when a family member asked for your help
Sample # 414: Describe a child that you know
Sample # 411: Describe someone you know who does something well
Sample # 410: Risk that may have gone wrong but turned out well
Sample # 406: Interesting discussion you had about how you spend money
Sample # 404: Describe a special event/moment that made you happy
Sample # 403: Describe an experience you had as a member of a team
Sample # 401: Describe a type of job you tried but did not enjoy much
Sample # 400: Describe a dinner/ dinner party that you enjoyed
Sample # 399: Describe an important text message you received
Sample # 398: Describe a person who is good at his/her work
Sample # 397: Describe a colourful place you have visited and liked
Sample # 395: Describe a goal or ambition you have in your life
Sample # 392: Describe someone you know who has started a business
Sample # 390: Describe a performance you enjoyed watching
Sample # 387: Describe a website you have bought something from
Sample # 383: Describe a person who is helpful to others
Sample # 381: Describe a business person whom you admire
Sample # 380: Describe an important conversation
Sample # 378: Describe a radio programme that you find interesting
Sample # 376: Describe an interesting talk or a lecture you have heard
Sample # 375: Describe a time when you needed to repair a broken item
Sample # 372: Describe a special day/date in your country's history
Sample # 371: Describe a remote place you wish to visit in the future
Sample # 366: Describe a person who has interesting ideas or opinions
Sample # 365: Describe a piece of clothing that you received as a gift
Sample # 364: Describe an experience when you lost something
Sample # 363: Describe a time when you were very happy
Sample # 362: Describe something you bought but did not use much
Sample # 361: Describe your experience of a stressful event
Sample # 360: Describe a tall building in your hometown that you like or dislike
Sample # 359: Describe an expensive hobby you can’t pursue daily
Sample # 358: Describe a time when you had to go to a hospital or see a doctor
Sample # 359: Describe an expensive hobby you can’t pursue daily
Sample # 358: Describe a time when you had to go to a hospital or see a doctor
Sample # 356: Describe your idea of a perfect home
Sample # 353: Describe a person you would like to study or work with
Sample # 352: Describe your favourite fruit
Sample # 345: Describe a bicycle tour that you took
Sample # 343: Describe an occasion when everybody smiled/laughed
Sample # 342: Describe a couple you know who have a happy marriage
Sample # 341: Describe an invention that has changed people’s life
Sample # 340: Describe a useful plant you know about
Sample # 337: Describe an occasion when you received good service
Sample # 336: Describe a transportation problem in your city/town
Sample # 335: Describe how you behaved in a stressful situation
Sample # 334: Describe a popular sport in your country
Sample # 331: Describe a place that has a special meaning to you
Sample # 330: Describe a part of the world you would like to visit
Sample # 328: An occasion when you couldn't pay for something you wanted
Sample # 327: Describe a popular musical instrument in your country
Sample # 327: Describe a popular musical instrument in your country
Sample # 326: Describe life in a particular period of history
Sample # 325: Describe the best holiday/vacation you have had
Sample # 323: Describe your favourite shop
Sample # 322: Describe a serious environmental problem in your country
Sample # 321: Describe a family event you are looking forward to
Sample # 320: Describe an event in which you were successful
Sample # 319: Describe a dream you remember well
Sample # 318: Describe a pet that you once had
Sample # 317: Describe advertising you have seen
Sample # 316: Describe a minor accident that you had in the past
Sample # 315: Describe your favourite pastime activity
Sample # 314: When you waited for a bus or a train
Sample # 313: Describe a challenging profession you know about
Sample # 312: Describe a story that is popular in your country
Sample # 311: Describe a fruit that is popular in your country
Sample # 310: Describe a new year celebration that you still remember
Sample # 309: Experience you had with a type of foreign food
Sample # 308: Describe something you do to help others
Sample # 307: A sport that you would like to learn
Sample # 306: Describe a natural calamity that you fear
Sample # 305: Describe a gift you gave to a child
Sample # 304: Describe a game you play on your cell phone/mobile phone
Sample # 303: Describe an environmental problem
Sample # 302: Well-paid job that you think you would be good at
Sample # 301: Describe a family picnic or tour you have had
Sample # 300: Describe a letter you wrote to someone
Sample # 299: Describe an event you felt unhappy about
Sample # 298: Describe an irritating person you know about
Sample # 297: A time when you were forced to do something
Sample # 296: Describe a person who leads an exemplary life
Sample # 295: Describe something your friends have but you don't
Sample # 294: Describe a restaurant that has recently opened
Sample # 293: Describe a rainy day you can remember
Sample # 292: Describe an animated movie you recently enjoyed
Sample # 291: Describe a day you stayed home all day long
Sample # 290: Describe a time when you played with a child
Sample # 289: Describe an interesting song you like
Sample # 288: When you needed to use your imagination
Sample # 287: Describe a short journey that you disliked
Sample # 286: Important skill you learned when you were a child
Sample # 285: Describe an item that you received and became happy
Sample # 284: A sports stadium which is important in your city
Sample # 283: Describe a creative inventor or scientist you know
Sample # 282: Describe a tall building in your hometown
Sample # 280: Describe your favourite location for swimming
Sample # 279: Describe a special meal you would like to have
Sample # 278: A place in another country where you would like to work
Sample # 277: When you had to disagree or oppose your manager
Sample # 276: Describe a science subject that you studied
Sample # 275: Describe a time when you were very busy
Sample # 2: An ambition/success you have not yet achieved
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