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Describe your favourite fruit

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 352 with Model Answer:

Describe your favourite fruit.

You should say:
  • what it is
  • where it is grown
  • how often you can eat it
and explain why this is your favourite fruit.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1: 
I just love to eat various kinds of fruits during different seasons because of their diverse but necessary nutritional values. However, if there was one particular fruit, which I would just love to eat for the rest of my life every day, then it would be “peaches”.

Yes, it is absolutely obvious by now that “peaches” by far is my favourite fruit, which stimulates my taste bud unlike any other fruits in this world. And, as I have already mentioned that I would never get tired of eating this fruit except, of course, this soft and juicy fruit, with a lot of flesh, can be expensive, depending on where you live. However, where I live, this beautiful and tempting fruit, with pinky-orange skin, is rather expensive because, unfortunately, my country doesn’t grow them, and as such, we have to import them from other countries for our consumption. If this fruit would have been a bit more affordable for me, I wouldn’t mind eating them one every single day.

Anyway, this soft, round, slightly furry fruit, with sweet yellow flesh and pinky-orange skin, usually grow best in warm countries. But, if you want to be more specific about which countries grow this wonderful and healthy fruit, the list would include China (by far the world’s leading producer), followed by Spain, Greece, Italy and the United States. But, as far as the environment is concerned, the peace tree grows best in lands that receive full sun for at least 6 hours a day and has good airflow. Besides, a site with a well-drainage system and moderately fertile soil is also very suitable for growing peaches.

Anyway, this is my favourite fruit because of the sweet taste of the juice, the firm tenderness of the flesh and the soft textured feel of the skin of this “Prunus persica” (meaning “Persian plum”, as it is closely related to the “plum”) makes it the perfect fruit of all seasons and for everybody to enjoy. I like peaches also because they are high in fibre, vitamins, and minerals, and they contain beneficial plant compounds like antioxidants.

Model Answer 2:
A wide range of fruits are available across Spain and I like orange the most among these fruits. This is one of the most important citrus crops that are available in our country and I love this fruit for its taste and nutrition values.

Valencia, a city in Spain, produces more orange than any part of the country and interestingly, it happens to be my hometown. Some of these oranges taste quite sweet while some others are sour. And there are types of oranges that are neither too sweet nor too sour.

The Orchard of Spain - a nickname that was given to Valencia due to its high production of orange made this city famous. The fresh scent of orange is everywhere during the summer days if someone walks near the coastline. "Seville" also produces plenty of oranges in Spain. Though the oranges there are larger in size and shape, they are not as sweet as Valencia's oranges are.

Orange is not available around the year. It is a seasonal fruit. So, I can eat oranges during a certain time of the year. During March every year, oranges are found in plenty across the country and this is the time when I eat them the most. Preserving oranges is a great challenge and that is why I need to taste and enjoy this fruit during the season.

Orange is my favourite fruit because it tastes delicious and it has good nutritious value. It comes in different sizes, tastes, and skins. It is available in my country and I like the sweet aroma I get whenever I visit a coastline or countryside where oranges are about to ripe.

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