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Describe an experience when you lost something

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 364 with Model Answer:

Describe an experience when you lost something.

You should say:
  • what you lost
  • how you lost it
  • where you lost it
and explain how you felt about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Nobody really likes to lose anything, especially if it is valuable. But, despite our best efforts, we do become careless sometimes and go through some frustrating experience of losing something. Today, I would like to talk about one such experience.

Back in my university days, I always used to write with my fountain pen – a very nice looking and shiny black pen – which I got, as a valuable gift from one of my uncles, after graduating from high school. The pen had a nice and light golden colour pointy nib, and a very transparent plastic tube feed that connected the “reservoir” (hiding the ink tube in the pen's handle). Anyway, I used to carry my beautiful pen with me most of the time, whether I was going to the library or just hanging out at a local café.

So, one day, about 4 years ago, when I was attending a “job fair”, I didn’t really think twice before carrying my pen with me in the pocket of my shirt. But, after arriving at the job fair, I was surprised to see it packed with thousands of prospective job candidates. In fact, it was so packed that I actually had to “wrestle” with others most of the time in order to reach the “stalls” of hiring companies. Anyway, after pushing each other at the job fair, I did finally manage to talk with a few prospective employers. But, when I finally got out of the job fair and arrived at home, a good 45-minute drive from the venue of the job fair, I suddenly noticed I had lost my beautiful pen, courtesy to an hour of “wrestling” at the job fair.

Anyway, after losing my favourite pen, I felt really sad and bad. In fact, I felt like I had lost a part of me, as I had carried it with me for a good 2 years. I also felt a bit mad at myself because I wasn’t careful enough to keep my nice-looking pen at a safer place, such as my “handbag”, in order to avoid the sad incident. 

Sample Answer 2: 
I was never really one of those organized persons, during my high school years, who would keep things tidy and organized by putting them in the right places. So, it didn’t exactly bother me that much if I would lose a few things here and there due to my “negligence” except, of course, when I lost something which I really liked. It was a wristwatch that I lost, for which I regretted vehemently, and I am going to share that story with you today.

The wristwatch that I lost was a gift from my late maternal grandfather and he gave it to me after I graduated from high school with a very good grade.

It was one Sunday afternoon, about 6 years ago, when some of my friends asked me to play football. And I obliged since the weather was nice with a cool and gentle summer breeze blowing all around. So, anyway, it was just a perfect evening to sweat a little while playing and enjoying a good football match. Of course, I was wearing my watch that evening. The funny thing was that I was supposed to leave my watch at home!

Anyway, we started playing football with all of our spirits, at a nearby field; kicking, running and jumping in the field, with the ball and on the ball. Not sure, for how long we played, but when we finished, it was getting dark, and we were really tired and ready to return home. And after I returned home, I realised that I have lost my wristwatch. I went back to search for it the next morning but without any luck!

I felt sad, dejected and frustrated to have lost a precious gift and an item that I really liked. It was a gloomy experience that I still remember. I guess that experience made me a little more cautious about losing my belongings.


  1. Last time when I gave the IELTS test the same topic was in my exam. but my score was not good in that exam because my pronunciation was not clear. I feel speaking is taught for those who are not speaking English daily.


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