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Describe an important conversation that influenced you

IELTS Cue Card Question 36 With Model Answer: 

Describe an important conversation that influenced you.

You should say: 
  • when this happened
  • who you were talking with
  • what you talked about
and explain how this conversation influenced you.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
In the beginning of my college days, I used to bunk classes, particularly Physics and one day I had a conversation with my teacher and after that, I never missed my classes in the remaining college days.

When I was admitted to Santa Monica College in California, the first few days were very interesting to me because the environment was unfamiliar and people were unknown too. But gradually I developed a sense of deep friendship with few of my classmates and started building a community of us only. No outsiders were allowed to be with us. The class bunking rate increased and then I had the conversation with my honourable teacher.

The conversation took place between me and my honourable Physics teacher Mr Immanuel Pitt. He was like a father for every student in the college and never behaved roughly for the misdeeds of the students. Despite being a teacher of Physics, he is also a good student advisor too and suggests students to be good in their studies and have a good result in the long run. Mr Pitt invited me, again saying – invited me, one day in his room after my class. It was a memorable event for me too as I heard about his fame of counselling but at first, I could not realise why I was invited.

He discussed different issues with me for long hours and entertained me with orange juice. He wanted to know about my family, my parents – their occupation, academic status and more other issues. Finally, he asked me why I was missing my Physics class. In reply, I frankly told him that actually, I do not find interest in the subject. Moreover, I like to play outdoor games in the local field instead of the attending the boring class, I added. He did not show anger or dissatisfaction on my speech rather he smiled at me. Then he advised me to be attentive to the study. He also said that study should not be taken as the study rather than a competition to get prepared for the future battles.

His speeches clicked my brain and I realised that everything I did so far was wrong. He pointed out the negative impacts of missing the class. He also said that I might have temporary pleasure by escaping the classes but I will be unable to survive in future if I continue the escaping. I was highly influenced by his speech as anyone did not tell me about the detrimental impacts of class-bunking. Moreover, I thought that the teacher may take punitive measures for my regular absence and sorry figures in the second class test, but he did not even ask me about the cause of the shocking scores.

As a result, I changed myself and attended the Physics class regularly, and even persuaded the friends (with whom I escaped) to be regular in the class.  Only for attending the classes, I had a very good score in the college final exam.

Sample Answer 2:
Before meeting Samantha, the meaning of life was unknown to me completely. In fact, I wanted to destroy myself in a rage towards the world. But once, I meet with her at a consultancy and medical centre for the severe depression, I started seeing the world from a whole new perspective. Thanks for the question. I will describe the darker part of my life now.

I went through a period when I was very depressed. In fact, I was a man who believed in having fun and enjoy life. But there was a sudden change in my life. I fell in love with a beautiful lady who was a few years senior to me. She was a charming lady but suddenly she left me alone and I got quite depressed and pessimist. Gradually, I become more depressed and things became worse over the next few weeks. One day, I met with Samantha and she brought me to a medical treatment plus consultancy centre for counselling. It was the beginning of 2014 when the lady (I will not cite her name here) broke up with me. I met with Samantha, a doctor and counsellor, and in fact, still, I do not know how she sorted me out amid a devastating time. I am grateful for her contribution to restrain me from further drowning in the problem.

There were a series of conversations with Samantha and some of her colleagues who worked voluntarily to help the depressed people. The name of the organisation was ' The Ray of Hope' where they only helped people with depression and minor addiction. A good number of people have taken their service and now are living positive life like me. So, I had to talk to them. They tried to make me understand the issues. At first, I was reluctant to have any conversation with them. But later, they persuaded me to be with them and pay attention to their speeches. There I met with Richard (a former chronic depression patient), Paul, Johnson, Maria, Shelly, and some other people. At first, almost all of them were depressed for some reasons. However, after they got out from their depression and started life in a different direction, two of them started working voluntarily in this consultancy cum medical facility.

They wanted to know about my history. I told them in detail about me and my family. I also described how I had met with the lady and fell in love with her and more other memories related to her. In fact, they asked me to tell each and everything about the lady and how I responded to her attitudes, how I felt about her etc. So, I told them about our first meeting and how both of us fell for each other. But it was hard for me to describe the event of splitting. I was shocked as she left me alone to buy her happiness. She was having another secret affair with a businessman of the locality where I lived in. They got married and I was severely shocked.  I described everything thing to them and they listened attentively. Finally, they came up with some of the special words for me.

They talked about my emotional states. They also analysed how I was depressed for the situations. Actually, they were sympathetic to me and I was truly happy to have them beside me. They advised me on various issues. I tried to follow them. Actually, I was also seeking for a chance to get out of the depression but could not for the lack of a proper counselling and guidance. Finally, with the conversations with these people, I was impressed and influenced. They made me realise the true value of life and the reason we should go ahead. I learnt the meaning of life and started moving ahead with their mental support. In fact, if they had not the sessions with me, I could not have a healthy and happy life at all. Thanks to the team.

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