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An environmental law your country should implement

IELTS Cue Card Question 95 With Model Answer:

Talk about an environmental law that your country should implement.

You should say:
  • what law it should be
  • why people should follow the law
  • do you think it would be easy to implement and enforce this law
and explain why this law should be implanted.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
The Environment Protection Act of India has been formulated and passed in 1986 but some of the sections of the law require proper implementation.

The government of India has passed the Environment Protection Act, 1986 aiming to protect the entire environment, humans and other animals from environmental hazards. But in a practical sense, the environment is being degraded frequently and the law needs the right implementation and a perfect monitoring system to sort out the law violators and penalise them after the law. Although the act was supposed to shield the environment and surrounding elements that have made the environment, it is a failure to do so.  Air, water and garbage pollution is the most important form of pollution across India and it is a challenge for the state to prevent the pollution. With the rapid progress, the rate of pollution has also increased to its largest extent in India in the recent days.

It is well known to all that the environment is formed with the participation of the surrounding natural and all other elements and if one of the parts is polluted or damaged to the slightest extent, the all other components are to bear the consequences regardless of detriments or benefits. If the situation continues for longer periods, it will be impossible to walk on the streets due to the odours emitted from the roadside garbage or breathing under the open sky of the polluted air. Different assessment studies have found that India has improved in different sectors but the environmental degradation is one of the burning issues for the state and necessary measures should be adopted to prevent the situation. To go a long way, India needs to check the pollution as soon as possible or all the development initiatives will fail to a large extent.

But the implementation of the law is not possible without the participation of all the citizens and related other bodies. The law has been formulated in the 1980s but the government could not implement the law properly for different reasons. There are few loopholes in the law which are impeding the implementation. Besides, the majority commoners are unaware of the law as it is not publicised in the right manner to sensitise the people. Thus they are polluting the environment and in most of the cases ignorantly. Unless they are made aware of the law, the government cannot protect the environment alone. Awareness raising campaigns should be undertaken to raise awareness among the population.

Global warming is another burning issue and the developing and developed countries are contributing to make the globe warmer through different sorts of pollution, deforestation and other negative activities. To make the world pollution-free is a must to get a healthy environment. Each of the development initiatives is taken to make us happy and the happiness is not enjoyable with an unhealthy condition. Besides, a pollution-free environment looks very decent and attractive. It keeps the mind fresh round the day. Considering all the issues, the law should be implemented properly so that the even the marginal people living at the farthest corner of the country could derive benefits of the law.

Sample Answer 2:
Nepal is a small country and in the early stage of industrialisation. So, the government is aware of the environmental issue and had formulated a law in 1997. The law is known as Environmental Protection Act (Nepal). The law intends to protect the nature. Thank you for the great question. I will reply it now in brief.

As I said before, the act is known as the Environment Protection Act (1997). The law aims to provide legal provisions for a healthy and clean environment. It also aims to minimise the adverse impacts on the environment. In fact, environmental degradation is one of the most important issues to consider for the government. Earlier, nature was being damaged in various ways and the country was under threat of natural destruction. So, to prevent the natural damages and make the environment suitable for everyone, the law was formulated but some its parts need to be implemented in full fledge to get the best result of the law.

The people of the country should follow the law for many reasons. The most important thing is that the law has been formulated to protect the nature. There are a good number of unwise people who damage the nature both by knowing and unintentional attempts. Some of them derive a sense of fun by causing damage to the environment while the others do it accidentally. As a result, the environment is damaged to the greatest extent. Natural resources are destroyed. Someday, the land will be unlivable. The law aims to prevent such happenings. If people of the land do not abide by the law, they will have to experience some disorders in their everyday life. Survival will be challenging and in a word, the country will experience a chaos due to detrimental impacts of environmental change. Hence, it is imperative for them to follow the law always.

But on the other side, considering the most other aspects of the law implementation, it appears that it would be very difficult to implement it in real-life situations. Awareness is a must for the law implementation. Most of the people do not want to follow the law as they do not have the awareness about the detrimental impacts of environmental degradation. The law has been formulated in 1997 but even the complete results of the law are yet to be found. Many of the parts of the country are suffering from environmental degradation. Besides, many of the tourists come here around the globe and being unaware of the law, they contribute to the environmental degradation. So, I think, it would be really tough for the government to implement the law. A massive awareness campaign is needed to let the people know about the law and its provisions. When people will be aware of the law, they will help to implement it.

The law should be implemented and this is a must for the country. The top most important thing about the law is that it solely aims to protect the environment. The country is experiencing environmental degradation in numerous ways and the law is a safeguard for the country to battle with the degradation. On the other side, when the environment will completely be degraded, it would be difficult for us to live in this land. We will have trouble in having resources for our daily lives. The law will prevent the adverse impacts on the environment and preserve the humans, wildlife, nature, plants and other important elements of the environment. The ecosystem is intact so far, but if the law is not properly implemented, we will experience some negative impacts with it. So, for all these reasons, it is important to implement the law.

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