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Describe someone who is well known in your town, area or country

IELTS Cue Card Question 137 with Model Answer:

Describe someone who is well known in your town, area or country.

You should say:
  • what s/he does
  • how you know him/her
  • why this person is well known
And say whether you like this person’s life or not, and why?  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Social work is a great task indeed and requires special abilities to perform the duties and Mr Steve Adel is performing the work in my locality in Pakistan for a long time.

Mr Steve Adel is a former employee of the Greek government and now passing his offspring in Pakistan. Once he was a renowned police officer in his country and mostly he is adored for his honesty and sincerity to his service there. During his tenure at police, he is never seen abusing his influence to gain any personal interest rather he always served people as he is serving destitute in the current days of his retirement. He lives with his wife here and he has two daughters living in Greece with their own families. His wife is also a retired school teacher and sometimes accompanies him at the social works. Mostly he is devoted to the destitute and trying to form a type of rehabilitation for them. His plans also include establishing a school for the children who are devoid of education and been engaged in professions for livelihoods.

He lives in the city of Faisalabad in Punjab province and frequently comes to my shop. He is a familiar face in the locality as there are not many foreigners living here. He comes to my grocery and collects his necessary items for the week. Then I exchange some words with him and have built a cordial relation with the man. Sometimes I invite him to my home with his wife to have dinner with us and he cordially accepts my invitation and also brings flowers and chocolates for my children and wife. Besides, I have also done some social works with him and passed many moments in streets to seek impoverished people and talk with them over the rehabilitation issue. So, he comes to meet me often and I accompany him as per his need. Sometimes I also try to support his initiative by donating a small amount of fund for the formulation of his charitable organisation.

Mr Adel is very well known in the locality and this is for his benevolence and kindness. He is cordial to the poor people and helps them after his best. He is also known for his charity and he tries to keep the issues secret so that nobody could be informed about his contribution but the beneficiaries do not abide by the direction. They publicise his charity and sometimes the publicity turns positive for him. Many of the local elites and influential people support him in his need. Nobody refuses him when he seeks help to them as the supports are not sought for his own needs. He always tries to work for the helpless which has made him famous in the locality. But in reality, he likes to keep all the activities hidden and does not run after his promotion among the society members. His wife is also his follower and prefers to remain silent when they are praised for their initiatives. Thereby, the local people also love them much.

I like Mr Adel very much for his selfless efforts to improve the condition of the poor and helpless people in Faisalabad. His attempts are small but his dreams are bigger than his attempts. When he shares his dreams of establishing a large and well-facilitated rehabilitation centre at Faisalabad, we also become the partner of his dream. We also want to have a change in the society and there are a good number of helpless people are living miserable lives. Many of the educated people are unemployed and if the dream of Mr Adel could be materialised, then the scenario will be changed to the greatest extent. The local government could also offer a supportive hand to the initiative.

Model Answer 2:
I live in a small location here in Nepal. The locality being small, everyone is familiar with each other. Mr Arun Thapa is a renowned personality in the locality for his special skills in teaching. Thank you for the question. I am happy to have the chance of informing you about him.

Mr Arun Thapa is a college teacher. He is a former professor of history at Kathmandu University. In his early life, he had taught the subject in many other local and international universities. He is famous for his outstanding intellect and public speaking capacity. Often he is made special guests at various functions and people gather there to listen to his speeches.

He is a family friend of mine. My father and Mr Thapa had studied in the same college in Nepal and still share the bond of friendship. He regularly comes to visit my father and both of them spend time in discussing numerous issues. My father is a retired government employee and loves to spend time with his friends. Accordingly, Mr Thapa is also a retired person and has the same feelings as my father. Both of them play chess for hours and finally, nobody can win the match. Sometimes, I help Mr Thapa in deciding his steps in chess. By this way, I have developed a good relationship with him.

As I said before, the area we live in is very small. So, when an event takes place, the information is spread around the locality. Mr Thapa gained his fame when he lectured at a private event. Gradually, he started getting an invitation to attend many other local public functions. He delivered his speech about different issues. Most of the times, some of his speeches were against the government but none could break his logic. He critically analysed the steps taken by the government and the issues also came into newspapers. All these things helped him to be well-known in the area. 

Of course, I like Mr Thapa very much. In fact, the majority of the local people have a positive idea about him. He is one of the men who never compromise with injustice. He is bold enough to say the right thing and does not care if that hurts the feelings of the accused. Further, he has a very good connection with the government officials. If someone comes for help to him, he uses his connections to provide the necessary supports or get the things done. The other people like him as he never misuses his abilities. He is polite and behaves gently to everyone. This is another reason to love him. I also have been benefitted by him several times regarding my college issues. He did those selflessly. Therefore, I like him from deep of my heart.
Your ability to talk about this topic will enable you to answer the following IELTS cue card topics also: 
  • Describe a famous person in your country. 
  • Describe a famous person you would like to meet. 
  • Describe a popular poet or writer in your country. 
  • Describe a person you really admire. 
  • Describe a talented person you know about. 
  • Describe someone who you think is successful. 
  • Describe a popular leader in your country. 

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